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Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency to be created; as mentioned, it was released in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto. It is not known if this is a person or group of people, or if the person or people are alive or dead. Ethereum, as noted above, was released in 2015 by a researcher and programmer named Vitalik Buterin.

With proof of work, miners around the world try to solve a complicated mathematical puzzle to be the first one to add a block to the blockchain. Ethereum, however, is working on moving to a different form of transaction validation known as proof of stake. With proof of stake, a person can mine or validate transactions in a block based on how many coins he owns. The more coins a person holds, the more mining power he will have.

What’s the Difference Between Ethereum and Bitcoin?

Bitcoin and Ethereum are very different blockchains, but both are available for purchase on eToro and Exodus. Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in oureditorial policy.

Smart contracts have many uses, including the creation of decentralized apps . A dApp is an app that provides useful functionality by combining a front-end user interface with a back-end that runs as a smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain. The dApp’s user data is stored on the blockchain, and smart contracts provide the core functionality. Developers have created many dApps for domains that include decentralized finance, gaming, and digital asset management. Ethereum is a blockchain-based software platform with the native coin, ether.

We do not offer financial advice, advisory or brokerage services, nor do we recommend or advise individuals or to buy or sell particular stocks or securities. Performance information may have changed since the time of publication. ethereum vs bitcoin The more crypto someone stakes, the greater their chances of being chosen to validate a block of transactions to a blockchain and earning a set amount of crypto. The system also discourages bad actors with financial penalties.


While Bitcoin works better as a peer-to-peer transaction system, Ethereum works well when you need to create and build distributed applications and smart contracts. The choice is entirely up to you to choose a winner between Bitcoin vs. Ethereum. In Bitcoin, miners can validate transactions with the method known as proof of work.

In the past, several exchanges have been forced to halt Ethereum trading or withdrawals due to a small number of nodes being offline. These events have exposed the fragility and centralization of the Ethereum network. For these reasons, Bitcoin’s blockchain is designed to grow at a slow, limited pace, and all changes are backwards compatible. Ensuring that any user can participate in the network using inexpensive hardware is a top priority for Bitcoin developers. We cannot assert at the moment whether ETH will end up inflationary or deflationary, so this change causes the core developers to lose some control over Ethereum’s long term monetary policy. Hard money is money whose supply cannot be easily, arbitrarily increased.

Because the DAO’s contracts were open source, poorly built, and hosted on an open platform, the hack was entirely legal, unlike most hacks, which involve compromising the hardware of the victim. In this case, the attacker had simply taken advantage of a loophole in the smart contract. Ethereum nodes are more resource intensive, both in terms of memory and computation. This results in many users and services relying on third parties for access to the blockchain. Nodes are important to Bitcoin’s decentralization for three reasons.

What Are Some Similarities Between Bitcoin and Ether?

Nakamoto intended bitcoins to be digital cash, an electronic medium of exchange without the limitations of fiat currencies like the U.S. Unlike fiat currencies, Bitcoin requires no central authority or trusted intermediary to guarantee transactions. Ethereum and bitcoin are both digital currencies that use open-source software, meaning that anyone can view the code and contribute. Both use blockchain technology, which can create electronic ledgers that prevent a digital currency from being double spent. Ethereum, on the other hand, was designed to be a distributed computing platform. The designers of Ethereum built the platform to provide a foundation for running decentralized software programs, which have become known as smart contracts and distributed apps .

ethereum vs bitcoin

Bitcoin is the most valuable crypto on the market — though no less volatile. One coin has ranged in value from less than $30,000 to more than $60,000 in recent months. Still, many investors see Bitcoin as a store of value, like gold, that can be used as a guard against inflation. Ethereum’s co-founder Vitalik Buterin added a piece of code to the mainnet to stop the hacker from transferring stolen ETH. However, the hacker or an individual impersonating them wrote an open letter stating the money was “legally taken” in compliance with the DAO’s smart contract. As a result, many have raised concerns over Ethereum’s DeFi services, which are the services and products Ethereum offers through its applications and smart contracts.

What Are Bitcoin and Ethereum’s Shares of the Crypto Market?

Staked ether is a token that attempts to represent an equal amount of staked ether using the Lido DAO smart contract platform. It remains anyone’s guess which cryptocurrency and blockchain will stand the test of time—perhaps they both will. But one thing is certain—both have induced much-needed discussions about financial systems worldwide. Bitcoin uses a consensus protocol called proof of work , which allows the network nodes to agree on the state of all information recorded and prevent certain types of attacks on the network. In September 2022, Ethereum moved to proof of stake , a set of interconnected upgrades that will make Ethereum more secure and sustainable.

ethereum vs bitcoin

This currency is used to make transactions and interact with Ethereum-based apps. Ethereum offers an equally attractive outlook based on future growth projections. This has led to the creation of a very vibrant ecosystem for Ethereum users and developers.

Consensus Mechanism

In peer-to-peer computing, each participating party acts as a node and sends/receives data. There is no central administration to block or hold transactions. It acts as collateral to discourage validators from misbehaving—if they act improperly, they stand to lose some or all of their stake. A validator is randomly chosen to create a new block every 12 seconds. They broadcast the block to other validators, who run the transactions and check that the block is valid. Validators receive ETH rewards when they propose or validate blocks, incentivizing them to make the initial stake.

  • This event is known as the flippening, since the #1 and #2 spots of the cryptocurrency chart “flip”.
  • In this case, the attacker had simply taken advantage of a loophole in the smart contract.
  • The blockchain consists of blocks containing transactions with inputs and outputs.
  • Before we delve into the differences between Bitcoin and Ethereum, it is worth considering the similarities.
  • Every single Bitcoin user can independently and objectively verify the total supply of Bitcoin and the validity of each coin by typing a single line of code on their node.
  • Once you’re ready, you may find that it’s easy to get started with crypto investing.

However, bitcoin uses Blockchain to store transaction data while Ethereum uses Blockchain to execute code on it. Bitcoin is a distributed ledger, whereas Ethereum is a distributed computing platform. When you make a transaction such as sending Ether to a business’s Ethereum address, you pay an Ether fee, just as you would pay a Bitcoin fee to make a Bitcoin transaction. But Ethereum transaction fees—known as gas fees—play a wider role in Ethereum. They can call other smart contracts on the blockchain and add new smart contracts.

What is Bitcoin?

Ethereum, which was created in 2015 by Vitalik Buterin, is a cryptocurrency that provides ether tokens. Ether is used to build and deploy decentralized applications whose back-end code is placed in a distributed peer-to-peer network. This is different from a regular application, for which the back-end code is placed in a centralized server. Ether is also used to pay for services, like the computational power that is required before a block can be added to the blockchain and to pay transaction fees.

While either can be a good choice for crypto beginners, determining which is right for you may require a closer look at your own goals. Market capitalization, or market cap, is a metric used to assess how popular or valuable a cryptocurrency is on the crypto market. You can calculate a cryptocurrency’s market cap by multiplying the price of one coin by the number of total coins in global circulation. These include “standards” like ERC-20 and ERC-721, which correspond to tokens like DAI and UNI and NFTs respectfully. Hundreds if not thousands of different tokens have been launched on Ethereum.

ethereum vs bitcoin

In 2008, Nakamoto published a white paper that sparked the establishment of the Bitcoin blockchain. Bitcoin empowers consumers to control their own money, independent of any government, bank, or financial institution. Instead, it relies on a decentralised network of users that use the Bitcoin blockchain software and agree to a set of rules. The software determines how transactions function, the time it takes for transactions to settle, the supply cap of 21 million BTC, and more.

YTD Chart: Bitcoin vs Ethereum vs Polygon vs Solana

Bitcoin has over 18 million bitcoins currently in existence, and Ethereum has 118 million ether. Now even though Ethereum has easily crossed the 100 million mark, the market capitalization for Bitcoin is $781 billion, whereas for Ethereum it’s only $368 billion. So even though Ethereum has more coins on the market, it isn’t at the level of Bitcoin. Bitcoin has also experienced change, introducing the Taproot upgrade to enable smart contracts.

Overall, PoW uses a lot more energy to do verify one block, while PoS is able to do that same function at a tiny fraction of what PoW uses. The primary purpose of Bitcoin was to establish itself as a viable alternative to traditional fiat currencies backed by countries. Both systems are powered and secured by a decentralized network of individuals across the world , who are paid to do their part in keeping the network’s secure.

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